Vev platform is currently inaccessible

Incident Report for Vev


May 20, 2021: Google Firebase Brought Down Access to the Editor


Around 09:47 our system detected the Vev editor was not loading. We discovered this issue was related to Google Firebase routing rules not working as expected, this caused the users not to be able to open the editor.

At the time of writing this report, the issue has still not been resolved by Google, but we have deployed a workaround to make the editor run.


Reports Description
09:47 20.05.2021 Issue was detected
10:00 20.05.2021 Root cause of issue was discoverd
10:45 20.05.2021 Workarround to the firebase rules was deploy

Root Cause

The root cause of the incident was a Google Firebase router breaking. This was a widespread issue for all applications using Google Firebase Hosting, utilizing the hosting rewrite rules

Resolution and recovery

Corrective and Preventative Measures

  • Review all scripts not included in the editor bundle if it advantageous to include them
Posted Aug 10, 2021 - 13:07 UTC


An issue with Google Firebase has bought down access to the Editors, the platform is currently inaccessible. Stay tuned for updates.
Posted May 20, 2021 - 13:04 UTC